It would have been a routine Thursday morning but one look at TOI"s front page cracked me up with one of the most creative & finest satires I had seen in a long time!
The Times of India, which has the largest number of print subscribers among all English newspapers in the world, carried a full page cartoon
"A day in the life of India” on their front page highlighting the contradictions that make up the daily life of its residents. Millions across the country woke up with pleasant smile in recollection, the page became a hot topic on networking sites within minutes and for Indians settled overseas it bought along a strong feeling of reminiscence!

As part of the campaign, TOI is running an online contest where you need to capture via photo/video/cartoons or jokes, the most bizzare incident, scene you come across in your daily life.
The best entries could win attractive cash prizes as well as loads of cool merchandise. The contest is open till Tuesday 15th March, 2011. All other details are available on the TOI official site.
Some of the submissions are..
LOL cool pics