Gone are the days of the bird and sw*** flu, world’s caught the latest bug – TWITTER mania. For all those who have been reading my blog, (firstly thank you) you might remember how I spoke about Twitter being awesome and the reasons for me being hooked onto it (and you as well! if not already). If you are one of those, who think Twitter is for those who have nothing better to do, read http://bit.ly/9lZWeX. If you’re still not convinced, stop reading now and go find yourself something better to do. (as if!)
While being on twitter is fun, informative, just like life it’s got its share of do’s and don’ts. It IS A PUBLIC PLATFORM AFTER ALL!.. So if you want to be twitter-bonafide, some rules you have to abide!
* Short and S(t)weet – Seriously, there’s a reason why its only 140 char. Stay within it and show some respect to the nice guys from Twitterland who have even given a word count. Resort to email or blog otherwise!
* Quit being an anonymous stranger. It’s creepy. Put up a pic and a REAL name and a bio unless. This is partially excusable if you’re famous with Google pages more than the digits in a mobile number.
* Don’t pester people to follow or read your blog or Plz RT – If it’s worth, they would be doing it before you ask them too. Why would you plead or beg? Where’s the self-esteem? Mard Ban (Be a man)! Reality check dude! P:S: *chuckles* Why on earth would you think that Shahrukh or Ashton Kutcher was going to follow you anyways?!?
* Restrict your usage of ‘terms of endearment’ to your immediate family. If you’re going to be using ‘dear , honey, sweetie’, you can bet the mouse cursor is reaching for the block button!
* Questions like ‘Hi, Hello, How are you’ more than once a day is ANNOYING. If you don’t have anything smart to tweet, stay away. Meaningful conversation is the key. This is NOT a teenage chat room.
* Don’t go around asking people what they do! That’s why people take the trouble of updating BIO. If you can’t read it, don’t follow.
* Don’t threaten to ‘UNFOLLOW’ if you don’t get replies or the person is not interacting as often as you want them too. Don’t announce who you’re following or unfollowing. It’s plain LAME.
*Keep private conversations PRIVATE – As much as I enjoy the camaraderie you share with your spouse/GF/BF, too much of it is bad for your twitter health. Hitting @’s all the time gets a little addictive, but go for DM’s once in a while.
*Profanities and abusive language just won’t do – do I even need to explain this?
Im sure there a lot more, but you get the drift and if you stay close to these, you’ll manage to stay afloat! What did I miss? Please leave it in the comments box.
Thank you so very much for this list. 100% True!
ReplyDeleteGreat article and I love your write.these people should read your article.
ReplyDeletewell this was some help as i am new to twitter..well written informative post:)