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Travel series: Questions to ASK when moving cities.

I have worn the proud 'Mumbaikar' tag unabashedly for as long as I've known, declaring it smugly to anyone who would care to listen. I never thought I would leave the city. Never say NEVER, lesson learnt! So here I am, sitting amidst a pile of stuff strewn across, preparing for my move over the weekend. The decision came five months late and after gazillions skype/whatsapp sessions of I can/I cannot, I genuinely enjoyed what I did a little more than I thought! Now that's another story!! But! if you like me are a virgin city mover, who has never been away from home (no! vacations don't count), there are tons of questions you should ASK YOURSELF before you stock, lock and change pin codes.

***Why am I doing this? 
You better have a good reason. Not excuse! Reason. and it better be totally worth it
Where's the money?? (translate: Can I afford it?)
As much as you budget, hidden expenses will smack you in the face. Suddenly all the comforts that were taken for granted, will seem luxuries. Do we really need the maid to come in everyday? Maybe there should be a toss between Cable and Wi-Fi? Who needs the daily every morning? ill just get my fix online ... and the list goes on. Pro-Tip: whatever you budget for, double it. If you've got a bulky trust fund reflecting that, you’re possibly in good shape.

Where do I want to live?
Take advantage of technology to see what kinds of areas you’d be comfortable moving into. If you’re braving it on your own, tap people on online forums, social sites and ask around. Everyone has their share of vices you can't dismiss completely. D-Mart? or maybe a favorite coffee shop? saloon? good hangout places? If you're to stretch the budget to ensure you have your little share of indulgences, it's fine. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Afterall, that Chinese take-out guy or the friendly neighborhood coffee shop is going to be your best friend as you combat homesickness. No shame.

Do I want to stay alone?
aah! this one's tricky but VERY IMPORTANT. If you; like me have forever lived in a dysfunctional Indian family evolving system where the house is crowded by elbow space, then you'd rather have yourself a roommate, instead of coming home to an empty couch ! On the flip side, pray real hard, the roommate's no psycho.

Remind me again... Why am I doing this? 

How long am I going to be away?
This may not have a definite answer. Cause you know life happens! However a lot of factors can be relaxed, flexible by knowing the long or short of where you hope life takes you.

What's my biggest gain as compared to my biggest loss?
Make a pro vs con list of all the advantages vis-a-vis disadvantages on making the move. miss waking up to your mother's early morning cup of tea? Or you'll be struck by moments of heart-wrenching nostalgia as you reminiscence night-out with your girlfriends. will it be a stop-gap in your career? or alternatively, in the long term it might just be the boost it needs.

What’s my back-up plan?
We fail, we try again. And that’s okay, as long as you can acknowledge and provision that as a possibility. If it doesn’t work out for you, you should always have a plan B or plan C or plan Z to fall back on. Maybe this wasn't part of the larger picture. Maybe it will not make sense today, but someday it will. Have faith, Be strong. Smile. 

No seriously! Why am I doing this? 
There aren't a count on the number of times you should ask yourself this till you're entirely convinced that the reason be bloody worth it.


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